On the outskirts of Austin, 10-year-old Annie tears around on her BMX bike, hurls dough at cars, and smashes things up with her baseball bat. Her father, a goat farmer-cum-demolition derby driver, does little parenting. Annie has no friends her age, so her daily routine is filled with solitary mischief. Playing in the woods one day, she hears a woman's plaintive call for help from an abandoned well. Though Annie feels driven to visit the well daily, she is unsure about how to deal with the woman's plight. Written by Sundance Film Festival
《儿时事》共由 4 家资源方提供点播资源,最后更新于2022-12-23 14:48:59,截止目前已收获°C的关注热度。喜欢追更鸭就请多多分享哦!追更鸭,追你想看的影视剧!